Jonathan S. Canno

Joined the board of an amfAR predecessor, the AIDS Medical Foundation (AMF), in 1983 and served as its vice chairman. Became a founding director of amfAR in 1985, following unification of the New York City-based AMF and the Los Angeles-based National AIDS Research Foundation. Has served on the fund development committee since its creation, and until 1995 was its chairman or co-chairman. Also served on the executive committee. Rotated off the board in February 2019.
Mr. Canno was instrumental in the 1987 naming of amfAR as beneficiary of Art Against AIDS, a nationwide effort by hundreds of artists and galleries to raise AIDS awareness and to support AIDS research. To date, the extraordinary partnership between amfAR and the art community has raised nearly $18 million for AIDS research. He also established the Jonathan S. Canno Research Fund in 1998, which supports innovative AIDS vaccine research with funds donated by family and friends.
Until 1999, Mr. Canno was chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the Equitable Bag Company, Inc., the largest retail and flexible packaging company in the United States. He is a long-time board member of Lenox Hill Hospital, Northwell Health (the former North Shore/LIJ), and the Hamptons International Film Festival.
He resides with his spouse, Pierce Canno Roberts, in New York City; East Hampton, NY; and the Berkshires, MA.