amfAR produces a variety of fact sheets, reports, issue briefs, periodicals and infographics. You can download them at the links below or request a hard copy by emailing us at or writing to amfAR, Public Information Department, 120 Wall Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10005-3908.
- About amfAR
- HIV Awareness and Prevention
- HIV/AIDS in the U.S.
- The Global Epidemic
- Treatment Information
- HIV/AIDS in Asia

Ignoring Science Will Worsen the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (November 2024)
- 2023 Annual Report
- Innovations: The Newsletter of amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research (Print and digital, biannual)
- UPDATED: The Broad Benefits of AIDS Research (Booklet, 2024)
- INSIGHTS: Monthly Updates Sign-Up
- Ignoring Science Will Worsen the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (November 2024)
- A Dangerous Precedent: Tennessee Rejects Federal Funds for HIV Prevention (2023)
- Facts for Life: What You and the People You Care About Need to Know About HIV/AIDS
- Expanding Access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Adolescents and Young Adults: Models for Addressing Consent, Confidentiality, and Payment Barriers (Issue brief, 2019)
- Toward an Effective Strategy to Combat HIV, Hepatitis C and the Opioid Epidemic: Recommendations for Policy Makers (Report, 2018)
- Preventing HIV and Hepatitis C Among People Who Inject Drugs: Public Funding for Syringe Services Programs Makes the Difference (Issue brief, 2017)
- Context Matters: Health Insurance Coverage Is Fundamental to Ending the HIV Epidemic (2020)
- Context Matters: Ending the HIV Epidemic Among Black Communities (Infographic, 2020)
- Context Matters: Ending the HIV Epidemic Among Latinx (Infographic, 2019)
- Ending the HIV Epidemic Database (Infographic, 2019)
- Title X, the Domestic Gag Rule, and the HIV Response (Issue brief, 2019)
- Long-Acting HIV Treatment and Prevention Are Coming: Preparing for Potential Game Changers (2018)
PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)
- Structured for Success: Legislative Purpose, Targets, and Focus under PEPFAR vs. International Pandemic Preparedness (2023)
- Structured for Success: Centralized Coordinating Authority under PEPFAR vs. International Pandemic Preparedness (2023)
- Structured for Success: Political Will, Power, and Process in the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) (2022)
- PEPFAR COP Update: Key Populations, Size Estimates, and Plans in COP22 (Issue brief, 2022)
- Blinded by Our Own Data—Recency Testing in PEPFAR (Policy Report, 2022)
- PEPFAR in the Age of COVID-19: The Need for Supplemental Funding (Infographic, 2020)
- New HIV Testing Strategies in PEPFAR COP19: Rollout and Human Rights Concerns (Issue brief, 2019)
- The Effect of the Expanded Mexico City Policy on HIV/AIDS Programming: Evidence from the PEPFAR Implementing Partners Survey (Issue brief, 2019)
- Impact of Mexico City Policy on PEPFAR (Issue brief, 2018)
- How Expanded Mexico City Policy Is Disrupting Global HIV Programs (Infographic, 2019)
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- Community Engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (ENGLISH) (2024)
- Community Engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (FRENCH) (2024)
- Community Engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (PORTUGUESE) (2024)
- Community Engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (RUSSIAN) (2024)
- Community Engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (SPANISH) (2024)
- How the Global Fund Improves PEPFAR Investments (Infographic, 2019)
- A Global Response to HIV Requires the Global Fund (Infographic, 2019)
- The Expanded Mexico City Policy: Implications for the Global Fund (Issue brief, 2019)
- Data Watch: Data Accessibility from Global Funders of HIV, TB, and Malaria Programming (Report, 2019)
- Dual Epidemics: Leveraging HIV Infrastructure to Support HPV Prevention, Testing, and Cervical Cancer Elimination Goals (2024)
- Increasing Trans Inclusion in HIV/AIDS National Strategic Planning: Learning from Community Advocacy in Five Countries (2022)
- A Neglected Population: Transgender Inclusion in National HIV Plans (2021)
- Violence Crisis Services During Lockdown: An Assessment of Service Availability During COVID-19 Lockdown in South Africa (Issue brief, 2020)
- When Size Matters: How Social Media Can Help Determine Key Population Size (Infographic, 2018)
- Understanding WHO Guidelines for the Prevention, Care, Diagnosis, and Treatment of People with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection (2024)
- HIV Treatment Clinical Brief: Dolutegravir (2018)